Friday, March 21, 2014

Heroes of Might and Magic I War against Lord Slayer Final Battle Campaign Map 5

Video highlighting Campaign boss battle Map 5.

I took on the campaign with Lord Ironfist.  

Teleport is probably one of the best magic spells in Heroes I for taking a castle if you have no flyers.   Position your (what i like to call rock) in front of a powerful range.  Range melee attack is low so you will be a solid rock for a few rounds while you carnage all around.  Too bad my Cavalry unit was too large to fit inside the walls. :)  

Quick glimpse of the spell.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Heroes of Might & Magic I Scary Files Part #1

Heroes of Might & Magic I

Quite possibly the ugliest/scariest model of the series is in the first Heroes of Might and Magic game.

Scary looking indeed.

They may not look tough according to stats, but what this doesn't tell you, is they steal lives when they kill. (Tells you in the manual). If you have peasants in your party or any level 1 creatures, you better guard them with your life or you will be quickly owned by 200-300 ghosts.  

13 goblins dead, converted into ghost.  As you can see do not fuck with the ghost when level 1-2 creatures are in your party.  It will quickly become a lopsided battle. 

Unfortunately you'll never control one unless you download maps or edit them in your party for Heroes 1.

Get Heroes of Might & Magic 1 here -

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